
Version 2.2.0

Released 2024-04-16

  • Drop support for Python 3.7. #372

  • Use modern packaging metadata with pyproject.toml instead of setup.cfg. #326

  • Use flit_core instead of setuptools as build backend.

  • Deprecate the __version__ attribute. Use feature detection, or importlib.metadata.version("itsdangerous"), instead. #371

  • Serializer and the return type of dumps is generic for type checking. By default it is Serializer[str] and dumps returns a str. If a different serializer argument is given, it will try to infer the return type of its dumps method. #347

  • The default hashlib.sha1 may not be available in FIPS builds. Don’t access it at import time so the developer has time to change the default. #375

Version 2.1.2

Released 2022-03-24

  • Handle date overflow in timed unsign on 32-bit systems. #299

Version 2.1.1

Released 2022-03-09

  • Handle date overflow in timed unsign. #296

Version 2.1.0

Released 2022-02-17

  • Drop support for Python 3.6. #272

  • Remove previously deprecated code. #273

    • JWS functionality: Use a dedicated library such as Authlib instead.

    • import itsdangerous.json: Import json from the standard library instead.

Version 2.0.1

Released 2021-05-18

  • Mark top-level names as exported so type checking understands imports in user projects. #240

  • The salt argument to Serializer and Signer can be None again. #237

Version 2.0.0

Released 2021-05-11

  • Drop support for Python 2 and 3.5.

  • JWS support (JSONWebSignatureSerializer, TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer) is deprecated. Use a dedicated JWS/JWT library such as authlib instead. #129

  • Importing itsdangerous.json is deprecated. Import Python’s json module instead. #152

  • Simplejson is no longer used if it is installed. To use a different library, pass it as Serializer(serializer=...). #146

  • datetime values are timezone-aware with timezone.utc. Code using TimestampSigner.unsign(return_timestamp=True) or BadTimeSignature.date_signed may need to change. #150

  • If a signature has an age less than 0, it will raise SignatureExpired rather than appearing valid. This can happen if the timestamp offset is changed. #126

  • BadTimeSignature.date_signed is always a datetime object rather than an int in some cases. #124

  • Added support for key rotation. A list of keys can be passed as secret_key, oldest to newest. The newest key is used for signing, all keys are tried for unsigning. #141

  • Removed the default SHA-512 fallback signer from default_fallback_signers. #155

  • Add type information for static typing tools. #186

Version 1.1.0

Released 2018-10-26

  • Change default signing algorithm back to SHA-1. #113

  • Added a default SHA-512 fallback for users who used the yanked 1.0.0 release which defaulted to SHA-512. #114

  • Add support for fallback algorithms during deserialization to support changing the default in the future without breaking existing signatures. #113

  • Changed capitalization of packages back to lowercase as the change in capitalization broke some tooling. #113

Version 1.0.0

Released 2018-10-18


Note: This release was yanked from PyPI because it changed the default algorithm to SHA-512. This decision was reverted in 1.1.0 and it remains at SHA1.

  • Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.

  • Refactor code from a single module to a package. Any object in the API docs is still importable from the top-level itsdangerous name, but other imports will need to be changed. A future release will remove many of these compatibility imports. #107

  • Optimize how timestamps are serialized and deserialized. #13

  • base64_decode raises BadData when it is passed invalid data. #27

  • Ensure value is bytes when signing to avoid a TypeError on Python 3. #29

  • Add a serializer_kwargs argument to Serializer, which is passed to dumps during dump_payload. #36

  • More compact JSON dumps for unicode strings. #38

  • Use the full timestamp rather than an offset, allowing dates before 2011. #46

    To retain compatibility with signers from previous versions, consider using this shim when unsigning.

  • Detect a sep character that may show up in the signature itself and raise a ValueError. #62

  • Use a consistent signature for keyword arguments for Serializer.load_payload in subclasses. #74, #75

  • Change default intermediate hash from SHA-1 to SHA-512. #80

  • Convert JWS exp header to an int when loading. #99

Version 0.24

Released 2014-03-28

  • Added a BadHeader exception that is used for bad headers that replaces the old BadPayload exception that was reused in those cases.

Version 0.23

Released 2013-08-08

  • Fixed a packaging mistake that caused the tests and license files to not be included.

Version 0.22

Released 2013-07-03

  • Added support for TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer.

  • Made it possible to override the signature verification function to allow implementing asymmetrical algorithms.

Version 0.21

Released 2013-05-26

  • Fixed an issue on Python 3 which caused invalid errors to be generated.

Version 0.20

Released 2013-05-23

  • Fixed an incorrect call into want_bytes that broke some uses of ItsDangerous on Python 2.6.

Version 0.19

Released 2013-05-21

  • Dropped support for 2.5 and added support for 3.3.

Version 0.18

Released 2013-05-03

  • Added support for JSON Web Signatures (JWS).

Version 0.17

Released 2012-08-10

  • Fixed a name error when overriding the digest method.

Version 0.16

Released 2012-07-11

  • Made it possible to pass unicode values to load_payload to make it easier to debug certain things.

Version 0.15

Released 2012-07-11

  • Made standalone load_payload more robust by raising one specific error if something goes wrong.

  • Refactored exceptions to catch more cases individually, added more attributes.

  • Fixed an issue that caused load_payload not work in some situations with timestamp based serializers

  • Added an loads_unsafe method.

Version 0.14

Released 2012-06-29

  • API refactoring to support different key derivations.

  • Added attributes to exceptions so that you can inspect the data even if the signature check failed.

Version 0.13

Released 2012-06-10

  • Small API change that enables customization of the digest module.

Version 0.12

Released 2012-02-22

  • Fixed a problem with the local timezone being used for the epoch calculation. This might invalidate some of your signatures if you were not running in UTC timezone. You can revert to the old behavior by monkey patching itsdangerous.EPOCH.

Version 0.11

Released 2011-07-07

  • Fixed an uncaught value error.

Version 0.10

Released 2011-06-25

  • Refactored interface that the underlying serializers can be swapped by passing in a module instead of having to override the payload loaders and dumpers. This makes the interface more compatible with Django’s recent changes.